Down the Rabbit Hole

Precious little information in this podcast comes from myself. Instead I draw upon the work of those brilliant minds who are experts in their respective fields and then chop it down into bite-sized morsels for easy consumption. Here you will find a partial list of sources that I’ve used for this podcast. This is only a partial list, but a great place to start if you’re interested in digging deeper.

Hebrew Myths

by Robert Graves & Raphael patal

A careful reconstruction of the ancient myths and legends that lie behind many of the popular stories in Genesis. These myths are referenced throughout the text but here they’re recreated, giving us a glimpse at the rich mythology that served as a setting for the tales of Adam, Noah, Abraham, Nimrod, and others. Material from this book was referenced in virtually every episode concerning Genesis.

Moses the Egyptian

by Jan Assmann

Was the Moses character a Jewish version of an Egyptian folk hero? The entire idea of Moses and the Exodus story is more Egyptian than Hebrew and much of the Hebrew faith might be owed to Egyptian origin. This book contributed greatly to episodes 15-24.

Did Moses Exist?

by D.M. Murdock

The idea of Moses isn’t just Egyptian, it’s mostly mythical. In fact, virtually every detail of Moses’ life and character can be found in other mythical figures, including Dionysus. But that’s only the tip of the iceberg. The idea that he was ever a real person is highly dubious. This book also contributed to episodes 15-24.

Holy Fable

by Robert M. Price

Anyone who wants to learn more about the mythology and context of the bible stories should start with this book. It’s the companion for the Old Testament you’ve been looking for. It’s been an invaluable tool in understanding the text and has contributed to EVERY SINGLE EPISODE!


Holy Fable Vol. II

by Robert M. Price

There’s no way you can understand the bible without a comprehensive commentary, and to date no one has produced a better guide to this complex tome than Dr. Bob. Volume 2 covers the Gospels and Acts, diving into the meaning of the stories as well as their origins.

Holy Fable Vol III

by Robert M. Price

The second half of the New Testament is covered here in Volume 3 of Dr. Robert M. Price’s in-depth commentary on the Bible. Every chapter of every epistle and the strange book of Revelation is laid bare for our examination thanks to this handy desk reference.

The Older Testament

by Margaret Barker

The Hebrew religion changed drastically after the Second Temple came under Persian influence, but remnants of First Temple theology remain in the text, scattered throughout. And that old theology was something strange indeed.


Temple Theology

by Margaret Barker

What did the ancient Israelites believe before the Deuteronomic Reform? How strange were their views and practices when compared to what we currently identify with the Jewish religion?

Between the Rivers

by Alexis Q. Castor

These lectures cover much of Mesopotamian history and help to set the stage for many popular bible stories, providing historical and cultural context for Noah’s flood, the origin story of Moses, the law code, and others.

Comparative Religion

by Charles Kimball

Understanding the Judeo Christian mythology begins with understanding its context within the world’s religions. It’s not an isolated faith that comes from nowhere, disconnected from other mythologies but one that fits nicely in the context of other ancient belief systems.

The Dead Sea Scrolls

by Gary A. Rendsburg

The texts discovered at Qumran not only provided us with the oldest Hebrew versions of the Old Testament books, but a chance to learn just how much the Old Testament’s message and theology had changed since those texts had been buried nearly 2,000 years ago.

The Book of Genesis

by Gary A. Rendsburg

Perhaps the most in-depth study of the Book of Genesis widely available to the general public. This lecture series examines each story in detail and deconstructs the tales scene-by-scene. Information from this series was used in virtually every episode pertaining to Genesis.


Great Mythologies of the World

Various Professors

Though little of this series pertains directly to the bible and its stories, it does contain numerous myths and legends that will seem eerily familiar to anyone who has read the bible. It provides excellent context for the myth and folklore found in the Old and New Testaments.

The Old Testament

by Amy-Jill Levine

Few biblical scholars are as highly regarded as Dr. Levine and her treatment of the Old Testament is thorough and riveting. Common misconceptions are addressed and overlooked details are brought to the forefront. Combined with Holy Fable, this will provide the most complete understanding of the Jewish Bible available outside of a biblical studies course. This series has contributed to every episode dealing with the Old Testament.

The Persian empire

by John W. Lee

A history of the Persian Empire may seem unrelated to a study of the Bible, but the Jewish religion wouldn’t be what it is today without Cyrus, Darius, or Zoroastrianism, and it’s unlikely that Christianity would even exist.

Religion in the Ancient Mediterranean World

by Glenn S. Holland

Perhaps the best lecture series for understanding the religious setting that spawned Judaism and Christianity. As products of their culture and environment, context is crucial for understanding their origins.


Exploring the Roots of Religion

by John R. Hale

Everything has a beginning, and the origins of religion as important as their growth and development. While the origins of Judaism and Christianity are murky, due to the fact that both of these faiths rewrote their own histories, the origins of other religions help to shed light on the Judeo Christian religion.


The Myths that Stole Christmas

by David Kyle Johnson

Is Jesus the reason for the season? Where did Santa come from? Is Christmas good for the economy? David Kyle Johnson digs into the questions and more in this fun book about the most popular Christian holiday we currently celebrate.



by John W. Waterhouse

No other single source has had such a significant influence on Judaism or Christianity. To understand apocalypticism, religious morality, and monotheism one must understand Zoroastrianism.

Jesus and His Jewish Influences

by Jodi Magness

Christianity was greatly influenced by Judaism, but not always in the manner one might think. These lectures reveal influences from various groups that shaped early Christianity in surprising ways.

The Origin of Satan

by Elaine Pagels

Harvard PhD examines the cultural and social forces which drove the creation and evolution of this character as the incarnation of evil. From God’s employee to the enemy of creation, each change along the way had it’s own motivation.

The Birth of Satan

by T.J. Wray & Gregory Mobley

A Roman Catholic and a Protestant Professor trace the biblical origins of Satan. They follow the path laid out by scripture to see how the character developed as a way for a monotheistic people to deal with the “repellant aspects of Yahweh,” allowing God to escape blame by having the devil “serve as the cosmic scapegoat.”


The New Testament

by Bart Ehrman

Few scholars can cover the contents of the New Testament as well as Dr. Bart D. Ehrman. His insight brings a new level of understanding to the texts contained in the Christian Bible and is strongly recommended for anyone wishing to study this fascinating text.

From Jesus to Constantine

by Bart Ehrman

The story of early Christianity is more fascinating and stranger then we realize. Dr. Ehrman pushes aside the stories and digs into the history behind the early centuries of the religion.


History of the Bible

by Bart Ehrman

How the New Testament came about is an entire story in itself, and who better to bring it to you than renoun scholar Bart Ehrman?

Understanding the New Testament

by David Brakke

It isn’t enough to know what the book contains or when the stories were written, we must understand what the texts meant to the authors of the books and the earliest Christians.